200 Public Square, Suite 4000
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (440) 740-2150
Fax: (440) 740-2155



Take the Workers’ Compensation Premium Quick Quiz

Too often, employers rely on group rating programs to manage their premium costs... 
however, those savings programs tend not to focus on individual claims which can get an employer 
removed from the exceptional savings offered by a group discount.



1. What do you expect your premium discounts to be next year? ___________


 In 2009, the BWC ruled that employers in group-rating programs can no longer add Drug Free Workplace Program discounts to their group premium discounts. By the way, they’re also eliminating the Premium Discount Program (PDP+) altogether.


2. Are you still a member of your Group Rating Pool? ___________


 Because of regularly decreasing maximum creditability, tens of thousands of employers are squeezed out of group ratings each year – and the majority of them are good risks. Plus, in 2009, the Ohio BWC decided to impose a 31% assessment on all group participants, effectively eliminating lower-end group rating pools. 

3. Are you ready for your premiums to double every year? ____________


Beginning in July 2009, employers with an experience modifier of 1.01 or higher and agree to follow the 10-Step Business Plan for safety are guaranteed that their premiums will not increase more than 100 percent from one policy year to the next. But they will likely see a 500% to 600% increase over the next three years.




What can you do about it?